Author Archives: admin

Composting: A simple solution to facilitate the Circular Economy Package

SDG The Circular Economy Package, published by the EU Commission in December 2015, was a groundbreaking policy that Proposed an EU regulation to revitalize Europe’s progress toward a circular economy. This was projected to help with the worldwide intensity of organic waste management, encourage reasonable monetary development and create new opportunities In simple words, the […]

Electric Composters – An Eco Win or Unnecessary Appliance?

What is an Electronic Composter?   You may not have heard the term before. This category of products is still trying to find its footing and final marketing labels. They are also called food recyclers, food processors, or food digesters. They all operate in a similar manor, with the exception of the above-mentioned coir and […]

¿Cómo funciona el compostaje en hoteles y restaurantes?

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo hoteles y restaurantes son capaces de gestionar de manera eficiente todos los residuos orgánicos que generan día tras día? Si trabajas en este sector o te dedicas a ello, seguro que ya lo sabes, ¿verdad? Compostando. Gracias al compostaje es posible transformar los residuos orgánicos en compost, un recurso […]

TMK Organic Waste Compost machine

We are happy to inform you about the launching of our new ‘Organic waste to compost ‘machine.   The Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) recently notified the new Solid Waste Management Rules (SWM), in 2016.   These rules are applicable to Residential, Resident Welfare Associations, Gated Communities, Marriage/Party Halls, Festival Halls, […]

Waste Composting – System Behind Food Waste Issue

TMK Composter

TMK provides food waste solutions for a variety of commercial uses, from restaurants to large-scale institutions. Utilizing microbial technology, our composting machines reduce waste volume by up to 90%, decrease disposal costs, and create a nutrient-rich, reusable end product.   We produce a range of composting solutions for on-site waste reduction in commercial applications. They […]

How Does Organic Waste Convert to Compost?

Composting is a way to treat solid waste so that microorganisms break down the organic material, helping along the natural process of decay until it can be safely handled, stored, and applied to the environment.   The composting process requires organic waste, such as leaves, grass, fruit and vegetable scraps, soil (which contains microorganisms), water, […]

How to Handle Food Waste in Restaurants, Banquets, Hotels & Party Lawns?

RESTAURANTS, BANQUETS, HOTELS & PARTY LAWNS are bound to generate a large amount of food waste, especially during the festive & marriage season. This certainly becomes a major concern to the relevant authorities such as management and government. Somehow, control measures have to be put in place so as to ensure that the hotels and […]