Author Archives: admin

Commercial Composting Solutions For Restaurants: Sustainability Guide For Businesses

Restaurants are composting using new modern equipment that makes it both practical and economical to do on-site.   Today’s commercial composting solutions take the complex task of responsibly discarding food waste and make it easy for restaurants to implement. Here’s a quick introduction and overview of the leading composting solutions for restaurants from Green Business […]

How much is your food waste costing your business?

Food waste can be categorized into two types: unavoidable and avoidable. Unavoidable waste includes eggshells, bones, peels, and other items that cannot be eaten, even if they can be re-purposed. Avoidable waste includes uneaten food on plates, half-eaten lasagne trays at buffets, spoiled vegetables that were ordered but not cooked, and items that were forgotten […]

Cleaner Tomorrow Starts Today: Prioritizing Waste Management

In today’s world, waste management has become an essential part of our daily routine. With the increasing population and industrialization, waste generation has also increased rapidly. Waste management is not just an environmental problem but also a social and economic issue. It affects the health of individuals and the overall well-being of the community. Thus, […]

Local Exhibition of TMK Composting Machines – From Peru Customer

Introduction   In a remarkable development for both environmental sustainability and economic growth, Peruvian customers have taken a significant step towards promoting the use of composting machines from TMK, a renowned manufacturer in the field. This article explores how Peruvian customers are actively participating in local exhibitions and sales events to promote TMK composting machines, […]

Small-Scale Electric Kitchen Food Waste Composter – TMK-5

A household food composter is a device or system designed to break down organic kitchen waste, such as food scraps and leftovers, into nutrient-rich compost. Composting is an eco-friendly way to reduce kitchen waste and create a valuable resource for gardening and landscaping.    TMK-5 is an electric composting unit ideal for small-scale waste generators […]

TMK Composter: The Future of Sustainable Food Waste Management

In many regions of the world, there is an increasing issue with food waste. Up to 40% of all produced food in the United States alone is thought to be lost or wasted. As food waste not only squanders precious resources but also adds to greenhouse gas emissions, this has major economic and environmental repercussions. […]

Uses of Organic Waste Composting Machine

When TMK developed the idea of an organic waste composting machine, its focus was on providing organic waste composting solutions. It probably had no idea that the end product would have several other unexpected uses. Now, the company can pride itself with multi-purpose organic waste machines.   You can liken this company with someone who […]